Monday, September 30, 2013

Field Experience for Dhruv Patel

I enjoyed the field trip to Glacial Park for a variety of reasons. One of the most crucial reasons why I found my experience worthwhile was because of the hands-on experience I was able to receive. Since my family doesn't have a garden or doesn't grow vegetation at home, it was an unique experience to water trees, sow seeds, and plant acorns. This experience also gave us a glimpse as to the amount of hard work that farmers must and ecological sites must put in every single day. I can say on the behalf of nearly everyone who planted acorns that after a certain limit, we felt like putting in multiple acorns in one hole. This, however, defeats the purpose of the planting acorns, for the purpose of planting acorns is to actively distribute the planting of trees. This type of experience can't be taught in the classroom, and that's why I believe it was nice to have been able to step inside someone else's shoes for a day. Restoration ecology has only benefits, and I feel that helping an area recover faster from environmental degradation, regardless of the area's size, is worth it. 

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