Friday, May 23, 2014

Anatomy and Dissection Lab

External anatomy: 
1. Arm- used for movement and stability (regenerative)
2. Spine- maintain structure and integrity
3. Eyespot- light reception and basic visual tools
4. Central Disk- activity center of starfish
5. Madreporite- salt water is drawn in and taken in through this opening

Internal anatomy:
1. Digestive Glands- breakdown of nutrients and excretion of waste products
2. Gonads- reproduction
3. Stomach- absorption and breakdown of food
4. Radial Canal- carry water to the ampullae and provide suction to the tube feet
5. Ray- movement and protection

External anatomy
1. Antenna- help feel around and pick up smells
2. Walking Leg- allows for walking
3. Jumping Leg- allows for jumping
4. Forewing- allows for flight
5. Hind Wing- allow for flight
6. Labium- holding in saliva and chewed food in the mouth
7. Mandible- used for the chewing of food
Sex: No ovipositor, Male

External anatomy:
1. Pectoral fin- help perch change direction; homologous to front limbs of tetrapods
2. Pelvic fin- help perch change direction; homologous to hind limbs of tetrapods
3. Anal fin- supported by soft fin rays; stabilizes motion
4. Tail fin- serves the function of propulsion
5. Anterior dorsal fin- larger than posterior dorsal fin; contains ossified bones; stabilizes    movement
6. Posterior dorsal fin- contains unossified bones; flexible

Internal anatomy: 
1. Intestine- absorbs nutrients into bloodstream
2. Liver- regulates chemicals in blood; produces bile
3. Air bladder- urine is stored and then excreted through urogenital sinus
4. Heart- 1 atrium and 1 ventricle; helps circulate blood throughout the body
5. Spleen- stores blood; makes white blood cells
6. Stomach- primary digestive organ
7. Gills- 2 types (internal and external); gas exchange takes place in the internal gills


External anatomy: 
1. Thumbpad (Enlarged thumbpad signifies male)
2. Forelegs- allows the frog to grip surfaces
3. Hind Legs (french delicacy) - provides for movement over  a large distance
4. Lining of the mouth- indicates gender
5. Cloaca- opening between legs

Internal anatomy:
1. Liver- secretes bile to digest fats
2. Stomach- chemical digestion
3. Intestines- continues further chemical digestion
4. Lungs (hard to see behind the liver)-  supplies oxygen to body
5. Pancreas- secretes insulin and digestive enzymes

Here's a link to the dissection tutorials if the video doesn't work: 

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